Privacy Policy

Who we are

Adinkrasua is an app that lets you learn about Adrinka symbols, which are visual symbols originating from the Akan of Ghana that represent concepts or proverbs related to life, death, philosophy and human behavior. Our website address is:

Data Collected

When visitors sign up on the Adinkrasua app, we collect the following data: name and email address.

Who we share your data with

We will not share your data without your permission. We may send you email updates about the Adinkrasua app, including updates and app info.

How long we retain your data and your rights to that data

We store your name (if provided) and email address indefinitely to enable app sign in, which is needed for saving favorite Adinkra symbols. All signed-in users can see and edit their personal information on the app settings screen at any time. App administrators can also see and edit that information. To remove your info from our system, please email us at